Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Beaver Pond Forest Photography

These Photographs were taken last November at the Beaver Pond Forest in Kanata, Ontario.

The rich texture and beautiful colours found in each one of these trees are really breath taking.  We have to stick together and try to stop developers from destroying this beautiful forest, which is a place for children and adults whether they want to exercise, meditate, go for a pleasant walk or learn about all the richness of this forest.

I am donating the money from the sales of these photographs to the association, which is doing the fundraising event to try to save this jewel.

Please visit my website at to get in touch with me.

Beaver Pond 46 A

Beaver Pond 66

Beaver Pond09

Beaver Pond 54

Beaver Pond 58

Beaver Pond 69

Beaver Pond71

Beaver Pond 72

Beaver Pond 84

Beaver Pond 94

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Exhibition "Colour, Texture and Freedom"

Ottawa School of Art   

September 2010

To celebrate the Bicentenary of Mexico's Independence,
gilda pontbriand invited three Mexican artists, residing in Canada, to present the exhibition Colour, Texture and Freedom at the gallery of the Ottawa School of Art during the month of September, 2010.   Many people commented on the magnificent Mexican art presented by gilda, Ixchel Suarez and Susana Danelon.

Diptych 20 X 24"  and 12 X 24"

Mayan "Eb"

24 X 24"

Mayan "Ak'bal"

12 X 24"

Mayan "K'an"

24 X 24"

Mayan "Kan'Kin"

24 X 24"

Symbol of Independence  VII

24 X 24"


Symbol of Independence  II

24 X 24"

El Padre de la Patria

Diptych  20 X 24" and 12 X 24"

Two Centuries of Transformation

Diptych  18 X 24" and 6 X 24"


Two Hundred Years Later.

20 X 24"

To celebrate the Bicentenary of Mexico’s Independence,  gilda pontbriand  invited three artists of Mexican origin, residing in Canada, to present the exhibition Colour, Texture and Freedom at the gallery of the Ottawa School of Art during the month of September, 2010.  The exhibition was a success and many people commented on the magnificent pieces of Mexican art created by  gilda, Ixchel Suarez and Susana Danelon.